Posts from September 2020 (Page 3)

Posts from September 2020 (Page 3)

Monday September 14, 2020

Read: 2 Chronicles 2-5 Focus Verse: “Now I am about to build a temple for the Name of the LORD my God and to dedicate it to him for burning fragrant incense before him, for setting out the consecrated bread regularly, and for making burnt offerings every morning and evening and on the Sabbaths, at the New Moons and at the appointed festivals of the LORD our God. This is a…

Sunday September 13, 2020

Read: 1 Chronicles 28-2 Chronicles 1 Focus Verse:“The people rejoiced at the willing response of their leaders, for they had given freely and wholeheartedly to the LORD. David the king also rejoiced greatly.” (1 Chronicles 29:9).  Devotion: When collecting the supplies for the temple, David led the charge. he exclaimed that he gave his personal treasure above and beyond…

Saturday September 12, 2020

Read: 1 Chronicles 25-27 Focus Verse: “Along with their relatives—all of them trained and skilled in music for the LORD—they numbered 288. Young and old alike, teachers as well as students, cast lots for their duties.” (1 Chronicles 25:7-8).  Devotion: This isn’t limited to the music positions of service, it’s the whole kingdom. Both young and old, serving the Lord,…

Friday September 11, 2020

Read: 1 Chronicles 22-24 Focus Verse: “David said, ‘My son Solomon is young and inexperienced, and the house to be built for the LORD should be of great magnificence and fame and splendor in the weight of all the nations. Therefore I will make preparations for it.’ So David made extensive preparations before his death.” (1 Chronicles 22:5).  Devotion: What do we…

Thursday September 10, 2020

Read: 1 Chronicles 18-21 Focus Verse: “David said to Gad, “I am in deep distress. Let me fall into the hands of the LORD, for his mercy is very great; but do not let me fall into human hands.” (1 Chronicles 21:13).  Devotion: Huh, David messed up and the messenger Gad tells him that God has given him three options for his punishment. David messed up so now he has to…

Wednesday September 9, 2020

Read: 1 Chronicles 15-17 Focus Verse: “So all Israel brought up the ark of the covenant of the LORD with shouts, with the sounding of rams’ horns and trumpets, and of cymbals, and the playing of lyres and harps.” (1 Chronicles 15:28).  Devotion: As the ark enters Jerusalem there is a great celebratory worship service. The musicians are assigned to play cymbals,…

Tuesday September 8, 2020

Read: 1 Chronicles 12-14 Focus Verse: “from Issachar, men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do—200 chiefs with all their relatives under their command.” (1 Chronicles 12:32).  Devotion: While David is amassing an army, people from every tribe are coming to join. I find this statement interesting; the tribe of Issachar understood the times so they…

Monday September 7, 2020

Monday September 7, 2020 Read: 1 Chronicles 9-11 Focus Verse: “Such were the exploits of the three mighty warriors.” (1 Chronicles 11:19b). Devotion: In recounting Israel’s battles and the lands they conquered, David’s army has a Big 3. The three mighty warriors, who could each easily slay 300 or more men alone. These men were so good at what they did their fame became…