Friday September 11, 2020

Friday September 11, 2020

Read: 1 Chronicles 22-24

Focus Verse: “David said, ‘My son Solomon is young and inexperienced, and the house to be built for the LORD should be of great magnificence and fame and splendor in the weight of all the nations. Therefore I will make preparations for it.’ So David made extensive preparations before his death.” (1 Chronicles 22:5). 

Devotion: What do we leave behind for those younger than us? David didn’t tell Solomon how to build the temple, or try to share his wisdom or ideas. Rather, he prayed Solomon would have God’s guidance and then David helped to make preparations. David helped start gathering the supplies Solomon would need, the workers Solomon would need, and the finances Solomon would need. David knew he wouldn’t live to see the splendor of God’s temple, but he knew he could plant the seeds. Sometimes we don’t get to see the fruit of the harvest, but that doesn’t mean we stop planting. We have to share our faith with others! We may never see that faith grow and blossom, but yet we continue to plant the seeds. Like David, we know it is not our task to build the temple, yet we can encourage and do everything in our power to help the next generation to know God, and then leave the rest in God’s hands. 

Pray: LORD help me not be discouraged when sharing my faith, knowing just because I don’t see the blossom doesn’t mean it doesn’t grow. Help me leave it in Your hands after I have shared my faith. Amen. 

Additional Scripture: “Be strong and courageous! For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)