Monday September 7, 2020

Monday September 7, 2020

Monday September 7, 2020

Read: 1 Chronicles 9-11

Focus Verse: “Such were the exploits of the three mighty warriors.” (1 Chronicles 11:19b).

Devotion: In recounting Israel’s battles and the lands they conquered, David’s army has a Big 3. The three mighty warriors, who could each easily slay 300 or more men alone. These men were so good at what they did their fame became legend. They could do what no one else could and they were Israelites, so their story became legend as they represented the hope and security of Israel on the battlefield. Don’t we often elevate people for their own individual accomplishment because it gives us pride and hope? Look at any sport and you’re bound to find some great athlete whose story has become legendary. As people we often look to others for hope, but we know that we find our hope in one who far surpasses the mighty 3. Our hope is in Jesus, who’s humility and love are greater than any who has ever lived. 

Pray: LORD I place my hope in You, not an athlete or a celebrity. They may be great at what they do, and that can be celebrated, but Lord, only in You do I truly find hope and security. Only in what You accomplished on the Cross and in Your resurrection do I place my hope. Amen. 

Additional Scripture: “Those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” (Matthew 23:12)