Sunday August 30, 2020

Sunday August 30, 2020

Read: 2 Kings 15-17

Focus Verse: “They followed worthless idols and themselves became worthless. They imitated the nations around them although the LORD had ordered them, ‘Do not do as they do.’” (2 Kings 17:15b). 

Devotion: They became worthless because what they followed was worthless. It’s like, ‘you are what you eat’. Israel was given a great promise, a great identity, and given a great life if only they’d follow God. Relentlessly God warned and called out to them, yet they refused to listen. Rather than live a life of promise as God’s people they lusted after what others had and abandoned being God’s people in order to be people like the nations around them. I have seen many trade life with God to pursue all kinds of things of this life, drugs, alcohol, shopping addictions, any other thrill of this life. But what we strive after is where we find our worth. Israel striving to be like the nations around them instead of being who God had called them to be is what leads them into exile from God’s presence. What then will we do? Will we seek our worth in the worthless things of this world? Only in God do we truly find our worth, because God stands outside of creation as the only thing of worth.

Pray: LORD instead of seeking my worth in worthless fleeting things of this world, help me to find my true worth in You. Amen.

Additional Scripture: “My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; He is mine forever.” (Ps. 73:26)