Sunday July 12, 2020

Sunday July 12, 2020

Read: Deuteronomy 32-34

Focus Verse: “They are not just idle words for you—they are your life.” (Deut 32:47a). 

Devotion: What is the commitment we have to Christ? I know this passage is Moses impressing on Israel to take the law to heart, but it raised this question in me. The commitment the baptism I have, and share, in Christ should never be just idle words. Idle words say ‘I love Jesus’ and show dishonesty or hate towards others. Idle words proclaim to be a Christian, but live life blind to Christ’s love. Idle words can become a trap, a comfortable place to live that becomes incredibly difficult to break free from. Idle words are easy, but words of life require constant sacrifice. Words that are your life take daily actionable practice. Don’t fall into the trap of Idle words, but live daily, striving to live with Christ! Let your commitment to Christ be your words of life. 

Pray: LORD, create in me a heart that isn’t idle, but longs for You all day, every day! Amen!

Additional Scripture: “Anything is possible if a person believes.” (Mark 9:23)