Thursday July 16, 2020

Thursday July 16, 2020

Read: Joshua 12-15

Focus Verse: “Then the land had rest from war.” (Jos 14:15b). 

Devotion: It took a while to get there, but the wars were over and the land rested. They defeated 31 kings in all, wow! (Jos 12:24b). I can imagine that took years! It did take years, because “…Joshua had grown old…” (Jos 13:1). So in the course of Joshua’s lifetime it was one battle after another. Joshua WORKED for the Lord, he fought hard, he lived courageously, and he did that for years! Battle after battle, but now, the LORD has given him rest. At times it would have felt like the battles would never end! But they did. Joshua kept fighting for the LORD, and finally, he could rest. Our hope is eternal rest in Jesus one day, but in the meantime, like Joshua, we must press on and work hard day by day for the LORD!

Pray: LORD be that fire in my belly leading me on to fight for you. Amen! 

Additional Scripture: “Come to Me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” (Matt 11:28)