Tuesday July 7, 2020

Tuesday July 7, 2020

Read: Deuteronomy 17-20

Focus Verse: “It is to be with him, and he is to read it all the days of his life so that he may learn to revere the LORD his God and follow carefully all the words of this law and these decrees and not consider himself better than his fellow Israelites and turn from the law to the right or to the left. Then he and his descendants will reign a long time over his kingdom in Israel.” (Deu 17:19-20). 

Devotion: The King, if Israel is ever to have one, (we know they do) is to write the whole law and scriptures down and carry them with himself. So it’s to be ever before him and it will serve to help humble the king. Also it tells us that the king shouldn’t consider himself better than his people because of the law. The Kings function is to focus towards God and to share God’s law with the people. So what about us?  What does knowing Jesus do for us? If the law will help humble a king, shouldn’t Jesus do so much more for us? He Does! But we should ponder the depth of that. If a king is no better than his people, then I need to make sure I approach others around me the same. 

Pray: LORD grant me the humility to know my place where You guide me, and help me remember we all walk a broken path. Amen! 

Additional scripture: “Be strong and courageous! For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” (Josh. 1:9)