Wednesday June 24, 2020

Wednesday June 24, 2020

Read: Numbers 21-22

Focus Verse: “Even if Balak gave me all the silver and gold in his palace, I could not do anything great or small to go beyond the command of the LORD my God.” (22:18).

Devotion: His faith isn’t perfect, in fact Balaam falls prey to mistrust shortly after this statement, but here he gets it right. The King of Moab is offering to pay Balaam handsomely to do the King’s will. Wouldn’t it have been easy to take the money and try? Appease the king and get rich! But Balaam has wisdom to know all the money in the world can’t buy God. Balaam knows the only way he can have success is to do God’s will and only God’s will. He consults God before making a decision either way for the king. He knows that the result has the potential not to be favorable for the king, yet he petitions God to seek God’s will.

Pray: LORD I pray You remain my King, that I would truly know all the wealth is nothing apart from your will. Help me follow YOU before following money. Amen!

Additional Scripture: “Nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God.” (Romans 8:39)