Wednesday May 6, 2020

Wednesday May 6, 2020

Read: Genesis 8-11

Daily focus verse: “‘When the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.’ So God said to Noah, ‘This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me and all life on earth.’” (Genesis 9:16-17).

Devotion: Something I hadn’t noticed before is that after the flood when God sends a rainbow it says it’s a sign and covenant with all living creatures, not just Noah and his family, or humans. It’s crazy to think how much God loves and cares for all creation, all animals, birds, and plants, and uses humanity as his means for protecting them. God wants us to do life together, with each other, and with God. The fall in the garden was the first time we wanted to do things on our own. How often do we think we can fix things, or do things in life by ourselves? How often do we think our own hard work is all we need? With the Tower of Babel we attempted to defy God’s 1 command, to be fruitful and fill the earth. Instead of filling the earth we wanted to build a great city and make a name for ourselves, not for God (11:4). The first acts of humanity post flood are disobeying God, and yet, humanity is who God entrusts with creation. God trusts us with all of creation even when it seems we can’t be trusted with ourselves. No matter how much of a screw up you think you are, or how much we mess up, God still trusts us with his creation. As we see from the story of Babel, that is easier and better to accomplish when we align ourselves with God instead of trying to make it on our own.

Prayer: LORD help us to remember that our life is better lived with You and better lived together. We can not keep you to ourselves, we must be out in the world sharing your good news with all creation so as to be fruitful and multiply your kingdom here on earth. Help prepare us to be able to share you with all of creation. Amen.

Additional Scripture: “Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.” (Romans 12:2)