Monday July 20, 2020

Monday July 20, 2020

Read: Judges 1-2

Focus Verse: “The Asherites lived around the Canaanite inhabitants of the land because they did not drive them out.” (Judges 1:32). 

Devotion: As soon as Joshua and the previous generation dies, Israel abandons God and follows after the nations they allowed to remain among them. As soon as the old leadership was gone, the new leadership took Israel in a completely different direction. Having new leaders and new vision isn’t bad. What was bad was Israel allowing their leadership and vision to be influenced by the surrounding cultures. The need for strong leaders, and all the coming struggles of Israel, could have been avoided IF they would have kept their focus on God and not been swayed/distracted by the other people around them. 

Pray: LORD I pray my focus would be on YOU! Help me learn to never be distracted away form You and your good purposes. Amen! 

Additional Scripture: “Kind words are like honey—sweet to the soul and healthy to the body.” (Prov 16:24)