Tuesday July 21, 2020

Tuesday July 21, 2020

Read: Judges 3-5

Focus Verse: “When the princes in Israel take the lead, when the people willingly offer themselves—praise the LORD! Hear this, you kings! Listen you rulers! I, even I will sing to the LORD; I will praise the LORD, the God of Israel, in song.” (Judges 5:2-3). 

Devotion: Back and forth. The story of Judges is centered on a recurring, cyclical, theme. When Israel turns from God they suffer, they cry out, and God raises up a leader to rescue Israel, Every Time. The interesting thing I want to look at today is how. It happens when princes take the lead, AND the people willingly offer themselves. Israel, but also let’s look at us. When we willingly offer ourselves, that’s when God comes close and delivers us! The question when Israel suffers: where is God at a time like this? The answer: willingly offer yourself and Praise the LORD! God will rescue, deliver, and save us, but we need to WILLINGLY offer ourselves to the LORD. 

Pray: LORD I offer myself wholly to You! I let go of control so YOU can lead and deliver me. God I will get out of my own way, and I won’t stress because I know You are in control. I willingly offer myself. Amen! 

Additional Scripture: “The joy of the Lord is your strength!” (Neh. 8:10)