Sunday July 19, 2020

Sunday July 19, 2020

Read: Joshua 22-24

Focus Verse: “Do not associate with these nations that remain among you; do not invoke the names of their gods or swear by them. …But you are to hold fast to the LORD your God, as you have until now.” (Jos 23:7-8) 

Devotion: The focus MUST be God! It seems hard to say you should cut ties with those around you. But the focus is always on God! If the Israelites are surrounded by other nations/people who don’t worship and focus on the LORD then it will be difficult or impossible to not be influenced by them. To limit influence; to be pulled away; we need to focus solely on the LORD. If we hold onto the LORD and block out haters then we will be able to live into what God has for us. 

Pray: LORD help me block out the haters so I can focus solely on You and live into what you have for me. Amen!

Additional Scripture: “I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.” (Heb 13:5)